Wednesday, December 31, 2008


CH Creekside N Zara's Renne, MH

( Master Hunter, an awesome

achievement) lives in Bouler CO

with his favorite person, Ken.

This is not Ken's first Weimaraner,

but it is the first that he has trained

to an AKC Master Hunter level. Ken

has done all of the training himself

with Renne. He has had help along

the way from other sporting dog

people who shared their knowledge

and time with him. Ken now gives

back by helping others train their

dogs for hunt tests and to be

good hunting companions.

We are very proud of Ken

and Renne's achievements;

his Championship, his Master

Hunter title,

AND that Ken is sharing

his 'know how' in helping others

to enjoy the sport.

Ken and Renne recently came

back from a hunting trip

for pheasants in Kansas.

What a wonderful hunting

companion Renne is to Ken.

What great fun and wonderful

way to spend time with

your best companion.....

time out in the fields enjoying

nature and her many gifts..

Renne's picture when going
Best of Winner's for his
AKC Championship..

Liz Kubinski presenting Renne for
Best of Breed in the show ring

Renne on point, with a friend honoring him.


Renne and Ken...another happy day !!


Winchester...a Jazz pup

Winchester is owned by Anne

and Brian....and as you can see

Brian is a could be ..professional


Brian has had a few of his photos

of Creekside N Zara's Winchester's

Fire, RE, JH, RD, NSD , aka.Win,

selected to be in the Weimaraner

Club of America's annual Calender.


Brian and Win have competed in the

Doggie Dash for six consecutive years.

And they have been first place all

those times. Quite a team effort...and

a fun one at that.


Cleveland, Crown Classic

Whether in their crates at

the show, or in the X pen, Jake

and Indy always seem to lay

down touching one another.

Jazz wanted her own space when

in the X pen with them. But Indy

and Jake are inseparable when they

are together, even in the hotel room.

Jazz's new title

Jazz has a new title. She will be

11 years old in Jan, and she still

flies over the jumps like a

youngster. She loves being a

team with me, and I am so lucky

to have her. What a wonderful

teammate she is. We have so much

fun doing agility together...and how

happy it makes her. !!

At Cleveland Jazz qualified for her

final Excellent Agility Jumpers

leg. She took it with a fourth

placement..."GO JAZZY".

Jazz's titles are

Can/Am CH Zara's Jazzmataz V

Hochessen, CGC, RE, CD, JH, OA,


WCA VX, Can Ag I, Can AG NJ,

WAC V, WAC Canadian National

BISS 2000.....

Bed Wrestler Excellent...

Jake and Indy in the snow...

how they love the white stuff..

Jake and Indy...

Jake came early before

being shown in Cleveland

at the Crown Classic.

He and Indy had the best

time playing.

Trip to Tennessee

We were in Tennessee visiting our
son and daugher in law recently.
One of those days we drove over
to where Angela was helping at
a field trial. Fling, Blaze and
Bailey were with her there.
Indy was very happy to see her
sister and they had a great time
playing. Angela and I also
took time to stack the girls.



Indy and daughter in laws dog.

Tired Weims

Jazz ( Gramma) and Indy

Tired Weims after a run.

Pal on the doggie bed...left to right on sofa...Jazz,

Leeya and 'the little peanut " Indy.

Jake at home....enjoying life...

Creekside N Zara's Tequila Sunrise

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our first run in the snow this year...~

A beautiful sunny day after

getting seven inches of

snow Tuesday evening

and night.

Indy thinks this white

stuff is the greatest


Today we all went for

run out back. What fun

they had, burrowing und

the snow with their muzzles,

digging hole where the scent

of little critters must have

been. A very fun run !!

Skye and Indy running in the snow..

Indy running down the trail.

Indy following the ear...!

Indy with ears flying...again !!





Indy flying with a single

ear prop...